I've really been feeling such a push lately (as in the past 6 years, but maybe more recently the last few months) to work on being a MUCH better mommy. There have been those nights when I have gone to bed wondering if my kids could forgive me for the way I talked to them (or yelled, I guess). But because they are wonderful, they always do forgive and come jump into my bed every morning to cuddle up with me with these fantastic smiles and energy to start the day.
This post is specifically for my little Emma. She is the most fantastic example of a person I have ever known. Each day I am so impressed with the person she is becoming. Two specific examples:
1. a couple of weeks ago I was getting really frustrated with the lack of cleanliness that my children were exhibiting in their room. after much encouraging which turned into threatening and frustration, I yelled at them both that they were locked in until it was spotless. After a few minutes to calm down I peeked my head in to find Emma missing. Jackson said she was in the bathroom (they have one off their room) so I opened the door only to run into my little girl kneeling on a rug saying a prayer. She came bounding out with this new attitude ready to halp out and be an encouraging example to her little brother. I was humbled.
2. A similar situation, but yesterday. Emma and Jackson have never seen any Star Wars and the GREATLY desired to. Emma takes great pride in being the only one willing to play with the boys at school of course playing the part of Princess Leia. And Jackson is often seen carrying his sword around the house completely in character singing his own theme music to Darth Vader. So we made a to do list and then they could watch the movie. Their list included their room, the playroom, getting dressed and ready for the day, and Emma had to practice her violin. Pretty hefty list, considering what both rooms looked like. After getting frustrated and running to her room, I peeked in on Emma to see if she was still mad and saw that all of her stuff was kicked up and Jackson's was almost clean too.
"Em's you didn't have to clean Jackson's stuff, too"
"I know, Mom, I just wanted to help my little brother."
She makes me feel happy.
Very sweet daughter. I don't know if my kids will ever refer to their "Angel mother" in their later years. I'm very much a mortal mother.
She is so sweet. My kids had a blast yesterday. I did too. Thanks. The PBC delights are gone already!
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