Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Took Care of my kids? check. Took care of my friend? check. Served the Lord? Check. Do I really deserve this?

My day started earlier than normal. 6:35 am actually, but only because the alarm didn't go off so it was a mad rush as soon as I got out of bed. I had to be ready, kids ready and fed, and out of the house by 7 am. Somehow, time slowed (and I didn't shower), and we were out by 7:02, making a mental note that garbage smelled pretty bad in the kitchen....got to get it out today! I thought I was pretty cool at that point. Dropped Emma off at Jenni's so she could take her to school. Picked up Monica, dropped off Jackson at Afton's (where I fell out of my car and flat on my back as a VERY pregnant woman) (I felt bad only Monica was witness to that), and we were on our way for an exciting day. My friend, Monica, does not have dental insurance and needed all four wisdom teeth taken out. She asked about Jack, we set it up, and I was on my way to see my husband in action for the first time! I was very excited! We made it to the hospital only five minutes later than planned and got a GREAT taste of what socialized medicine would be like (stupid Hillary...we should send her to LA county hospital next time she has a cold). Anyhow, I loved watching the surgery and being at work with Jack, it was totally fun! He sedated Monica and took out all four while I rubbed her legs because of how her body was still jerking. I wasn't used to that. She doesn't remember a thing, fortunate for her. So that part of my day was over. Went to Target, got her drugs for the next few days, dropped her off at home to sleep with her mom and dad watching the kids, and promised I'd be by to pick up Dillon to swim in two hours.
On to my kids, picked up Emma where I had the opportunity to see before and after pics of a girl who just had a breast reduction. I was a little jealous! Got Jackson from Afton, and went to my 2:00 prego appt. Only five weeks left...happy day. Kids are fighting to make me crazy and I'm starving from still not having lunch. Stop at KFC and remember why I haven't been there since I was pregnant with Emma. On to get Dillon. This is the part (finally) that makes me cry. I walked in the door remembering earlier mental note cause it stunk BAD!!! Take lid off the garbage and something cold lands on my foot. Gross! Then it moves (everyone scream like a little girl at this part)....I did. How I missed this, I'm not sure, but I have NEVER experienced anything like it! Hundreds of MAGGOTS are toppling from out of my garbage can every couple of seconds. They were all aroud my feet and along my baseboard of my kitchen and I about lost the before said lunch!
At this point, I sprint to get my Dyson (quick thank you note to my old neighbors, Jon and Mandy, for introducing us to that wonderful piece of art), whip out that wand, and start sucking up those suckers all the while calming the three children in my house who are pretty freaked out by the shrieking going on in the kitchen. It was AWFUL!!! I had to get it to the point where I could take the whole garbage outside to dump it because I didn't want to take the risk of my garbage sack breaking while trying to pull it out. Those things started at the very BOTTOM of the sack and filled the entire can! Am I really this dirty? My kitchen isn't dirty. My house is clean, for the most part. What went wrong here? It has only been three days since I last took out the garbage. I called my husband an absolute wreck because I am so tired and my legs and feet are so hot and swollen from water retention, and I have to get ready because I'm in charge of Young Women tonight. AND I still have to make dinner in a kitchen that has had maggots all over it. I spent the next hour sanitizing that place before I was going to cook anything.
Dinner's done, on to YW, back by 9:00, put kids to bed, go potty, and look down to see my first ant farm in my bathroom. I am so tired! I just want to (blog) sleep. Compared to those maggots, it is a cake walk. They will have to wait to die until tomorrow.


Mike and Kimmy said...

Okay, that is horrifying! I hate maggots! We once got some from a rotten potato. But once there is one, they invite all their buds to join the party! I don't blame you for almost losing lunch, breakfast, and dinner! By the way, I saw your pregnancy pics. You look so great! You're not even that big! I think you're a hot lookin' mamma!

Collette said...

Ugh! I think you handled it quite well. I would have been freaking out, probably making the situation worse.
Good Luck with the last weeks of pregnancy!

jani said...

Same thing happened to me when I was super preggers with Dallin- but it was with termites (and they were flying around my family room!) and it was my birthday... Sorry- wish I was there to help! I really mean that!

Deanna said...

Jami, that is the grossest thing ever! AND you are pregnant! I KNOW I would've lost my lunch!!! UGH! There is nothing that compares to the smell of maggots - we always got them in our outside trash can in Kentucky b/c of the humidity and cheap trash bags that would leak. I have no idea how you got them in your house so fast - unless (dare I say) something was already bad when you threw it away?? Anyway, wish you hadn't had to go through all that. Hang in there - things can only get better!

PS - good luck with these last few weeks of pregnancy (ie: the LONGEST few weeks!) :o)

nat and josh said...

Oh my gosh, that is terrible!!!! That would have made me so sick! You handled it great, I think I would have just freaked out.

jessica said...

What a day...I hope life has slowed down a little since then! I am really sorry about the bugs...I HATE BUGS! They are my arch enemy. I hope you were mean and killed them all...little buggers!

Bruce Baird said...

Now, you are starting to write blogs like mine--with a sense of how funny your own suffering can be to others once you have gotten over your own trauma about it. I love it, and of course am horrified by it as well.


Crafty Momma said...

Wow! You always make me laugh Jam, you have the best stroies, and I really do mean that in a good way ;) That is really gross! I would have been horrified myself. what a hectic day. Hope your pregnancy is going well.