I can't believe my little man is TWO!!! Time is flying by! I feel like I don't blog as much about Jackson because I'm afraid my stories might make him come across as a little monster. He is the sweetest little mama's boy with as independent of a mind as he can have. I LOVE THIS KID!!! Monster stories...a couple of weeks ago (actually twice in one week), I was in doing my hair and he camein crying about milk and all I said was I would help him get some in a minute, but he was being SO persistent so I followed him. My little man got his own sippy cup, opened the door of the fridge, got the milk, carried it into the playroom, unscrewed the top and began to pour into him sippy. Of course, he missed. The first time it was 3-4 cups left in the carton. The second time it was the WHOLE gallon! I have carpet in my playroom and cannot tell you how grateful I was that we purchased a carpet cleaner our last month in Louisville even though I knew we would only have this ONE room with carpet. It has saved my nose from a very sour smell. He did the same thing tonight with the apple juice, but he happened to be in the dining room where it's hardwood floor. I'm so grateful.
He very consistently takes off his diaper in any random place in the house and goes outside in the back to do either number 1 or 2. At least it's outside, I tell myself.
He sings so fabulous already. This is a part of my mothering that I think i am grateful for. My kids LOVE to sing and they do it very well. If there was something to take pride in in my motherhood, I would say I'm proud that I have the music background that I do. I love that my kids are having that love intilled in them. Jackson's favorites right now are Hannah Montana, the Hairspray soundtrack, and Josh Groban. His nursery teacher consistently comments on how he leads the singing in his class. I think it's so great!
I love that he is ALL BOY. I also love that he has an all girl older sister. If he didn't have her to calm down that male side just a little by dressing him up and getting him excited over princesses, I think I would honestly bedealing with catastrophe daily.
He melts my little heart. He has the best puppy dog eyes and face that can make it really challenging to say no. The other night I went into his room to cover him up and realized he had taked off his diaper and his bed was totally wet. Jack held him while I changed the sheets really quick and we changed him and he gave Jack an hug and then me a big hug and kept kissing me over and over. I just know this boy loves me!
He adores his father and sister. I cannot describe sufficiently how excited he gets when dad comes home. He gets such a fantastic welcome everyday (I get jealous every once in a while!). He loves how Jack wrestles him and throws him in the air and tickles him. He also loves his sister playing with him. Some of my favorites are walking in on them cuddled up on her bed "reading" a story that she has memorized and she is telling Jackson. I also love them playing princess because it is supposed to be her falling to the ground and he comes to give her true love's kiss. As soon as she wakes up, Jackson usually faints with the understanding that it is his turn for the kiss. They do this ALL THE TIME!!!
He is such a helper. I can't be in the kitchen without a chair by my side and a little boy begging to be a part of it. And he's so self sufficient. If I change countertops, it doesn't even phase him. He gets down and pushes his chair where it needs to go and is back up tl help my in no time. He has also, to my dismay, gotten very good at cracking eggs. Better than Emma, actually. Not so cool to me, though.
I need to be better at sharing stories about him. I love him so much. I'm a little nervous about this baby coming in and him being not so soft, but I see how excited he gets with babies and says "I wahn hole ye" (of course, I want to hold you) over and over again and cuddles up to babies and just loves on them so I at least find comfort in the knowledge that this new little girl will be loved. He's a sweetie!
I love that Jackson enjoys playing princess with Emma. He is quite the affectionate little guy! BTW -- I am totally not pregnant like you commented on my blog. Is that a sign that I should be? We have been debating these last few months if three is our number or do we want another.
I hear you on the two year old thing. Madelyn can also open the fridge and frequently helps herself to random things like RED juice! They can sure be messy little critters~
what a big boy...i still can't believe logan is 2, crazy!
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