Today is Jack's Birthday so in tradition of blogging, I thought I'd tell you a few of the things that I love about my husband.
1. He honors his Priesthood.
2. He's a good kisser. Whoo-hoo! (especially with a clean shaven face)
3. He is very motivated.
4. He 99.9% of the time says he is sorry first.
5. He is such a fun father. Emma and Jackson go crazy excited when I tell them to run outside and meet their dad who got home.
6. He is very persistent. He really chased me when he met me.
7. He's so supportive of me. He drove me to SLC once a week for doctor's appointments the first eight months we were dating. He never complained or made any excuse to not take me. He knew I needed him.
8. He will begin many of our serious conversations with "I was reading this out of the scriptures and it made me think..."
9. He loves the outdoors and when he needs to relax with our family we usually head out of town to some sanctuary and make a memory, which is important to me that my kids remember these memories.
10. Although he is so busy right now, he often recognizes my needs and asks what he can do to make my load at home not quite so heavy.
11. He is so fun. There's a song that I love to sing and think of him that says something like no one can make me laugh, or cry like she (or he) does...I obviously don't know the song well. It's on our iTunes.
12. He's a great cook.
13. He doesn't mind doing laundry and doing MANY household chores.
14. He encourages me to be a better person and helps me come a little closer to that potential that Heavenly Father sees in me.
15. He often looks for ways to suprise me and is getting better at it. He brings home flowers at random times just to say thank you for being his wife.
16. He is the best best friend in the world.
17. He is a Jack of all trades. Our furniture is homemade, he can fix most things on our vehicles, does all of the fixing in our house, sings, cooks, makes me laugh.
18. I laugh the hardest when I watch him laugh. It is the best to get him laughing with his brother where they both have tears streaming down their faces. Or he just has to tell the story of his brother telling a story and I laugh harder at him telling the story than the actual story.
19. He has taken his job as the provider very seriously and worked his tail off to get where he is. I'm so proud of him.
20. Very selfless. He pretty much lets me sleep in every opportunity he can. He always lets me pick where we are going to eat, the activity we are going to do, etc. He puts my needs (and wants) high on his priority list.
21. Always pays his tithing. Always.
22. He doesn't throw away compliments. If he gives a compliment, he really means it.
23. He loves the temple.
24. He is so good at teaching the kids to honor their mother. Emma often thanks me for a wonderful meal at dinner because she has heard her dad say somany times that they should be grateful for the hard work mom puts in.
25. He genuinely puts time into thinking of what he needs to do to become a better person. He watches movies that are clean and tries not to waste his brain power on the trash on TV. And if he begins to complain about situations at work, he will often stop himself so that he is not a complainer. He doesn't get that gift from me, though.
26. I LOVE that he loves "chic movies." I love that shows like Enchanted or Pride and Prejudice are at the tops of his list. I also love that he will watch Lord of the Rings with me for the 20th time and not get annoyed that I have to pause every 10 minutes just to clarify that I get the show.
27. I love that he pushes me to try new things and that he always LOVES to try new things.
28. I love that at karaoke this week he got up and sang "Annie's Song" to me. That was the song he sang to me at our reception. I love how he sings that song.
29. I love that he honestly doesn't care what gift I give him or the kids give him. He just wants to know that I have put my thoughts and heart into what I'm doing and that's what makes it worthwhile.
30. He able and willing to give me or the kids a Priesthood Blessing whenever I ask for it. I like that I trust and love him as I should to know every private detail of my life and that he takes that seriously and still loves me that much more...even with the faults.
31. I love that even though I often feel as though I am failing as a mother and wife that he is the first one to let me cry to him and reassure me that there's no one else who could do a better job with my kids (who, by the way, are pretty incredible kids). I love that he takes this information and ponders it for the next few days and comes back with lists of things that I am doing well or flowers or an idea to get away as a family and do something or to go out and get a pedicure or to put the kids to bed early and give me a massage or go out to lunch with some friends just because he knows I need a break.
I love that I love my husband and feel like I really scored with him. I love you so much, Jack! You really are the best friend I could have ever asked for and my perfect match. Happy birthday from Jaima!