Thursday, January 21, 2010


Just a few thoughts from my son. I wanted to get them written down. Last semester, Jackson had a hard time that last two months going to preschool. He would cry and was SO clingy and that is so not like him. I had a hard time leaving hims so I didn't and ended up just paying a lot of money for him to come home with me. This semester I thought we would try again before we quit for the year and he has done really well. I found that if I give him a task to do during the time we're apart (usually draw me a picture) he runs in without any problem...until Tuesday (two days ago). He started to cling to my leg again. So I just walked into his classroom and started playing with the toys with him and Sadi and after about three minutes he said "okay mom, you can go now. I'll be okay." And that was it. It was a boost of confidence for him, I hope. He's such a good boy. I can't even say how many times I have the thought that I am so grateful to still have him with me.
That same day on the way home from getting him I was telling him how I had to go to the doctor (I have had some crazy cramping going on that had to get checked out...I don't get they were something else) and he was going to his friend's house with his sisters. He let me know he would pray for me while I was gone and then we we got into the car again to go to his friends house I asked if he remembered what he said he would do and he broke into a prayer right there in the car and blessed me "to be safe." That's how he always blesses our family so I'll take it. I just like watching and listening to him. That boy can melt my heart.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You have a very sweet boy dear. They grow up far too fast.

I hope everything went alright at the doctor. No cysts or anything right? Take care of yourself!