Okay, so Sadi is not going to school, but she's so cute and there is much to say. She turned two a couple of months ago and I still have blogged about that day (BAD mommy!) When Jackson was younger I said I would not potty train him until he potty trained himself because I get WAY too emotional and it is not good for my parenting. So a few months before Jackson turned three he began figuring it out and although there were still accidents, he did it on his own. I have (or had) no intentions of potty training Sadi before this baby came because I figured she would revert back to diapers when the baby was born and then I would probably wait six months until my sanity returned some so she'd be pretty close to three when we worked on it.
She quit wearing diapers a few weeks ago and put on little panties and has had two accidents (one in a pool #2. Not pleasant). She was never scared of pooping or peeing on the toilet, though, so we have been so impressed. I still put a diaper on her for bed, but she wakes up dry every morning (at 6) yelling to me that she needs to go potty. It is very impressive to both her dad and me.
We also moved her to a big girl bed two weeks ago that she shares with her older sister now. We tried it for the week before school started, but Sadi is such a talker that she wouldn't shut her trap and let her siblings sleep and they were starting to get angry so for now she falls asleep in the big bed alone while Emma and Jackson fall asleep in mom and dad's bed and we just move them when we hit the sack. I'm starting to get little man Hardy's room ready and I'm just getting so excited! I love, love, LOVE watching my stomach move and pushing in on it while he pushes back. While I hope this is not my last pregnancy, if it is, I am going to miss this so much. I love being a mom and having this connection with my babies.
So this is Emma at her desk the first day. She didn't even care to say good bye to me as I walked out the classroom door. She comes home everyday and tells me how many recesses she had that day INCLUDING P.F. (according to her. The rest of us know it as P.E.) I've heard about books they have been reading and that they work HARD all day and do so much math. Her teacher this year is a MR. so that is fun and his favorite subject is math, apparently. They're doing something new this year and are doing some split level classes. Emma was put in a 1st and 2nd grade split class. I'm a little apprehensive about it, but her reading has improved DRAMATICALLY this summer and I know she's up for the task. It's so fun to hear her read scriptures because she reads so smoothly and does so well on most words.
She got this skirt and two others from a friend who has to wear uniforms and Emma loves them and this was the outfit she chose for the first day of school. today she totally looks like she should be at a dress code school. She's so cute!
Jackson is going to a new preschool this year and I am very excited about it! While I agree that preschool should be more about social stuff and not a whole lot of academic, i do think there should be some academic (my personal opinion). Otherwise I'm just putting him into daycare. Anyhow, he got into the school that I wanted with his best friend from church and they got the teacher that I wanted who I understand is FANTASTIC! My friend Shannon put all of her kids (her fourth is also in this class) through this teacher and said they come out knowing how to write their name, address, phone #, and know all the ABC's by sight and sound, and the numbers 1-30. Sounds good to me. I did homework with Jackson and Emma throughout the summer and Jackson loved it, but he had a really hard time with the writing part. He got so much better by the end of the summer doing shapes, but letters mean nothing to him. He recognizes the letter A. I think that's it.
This is his classroom. True to his genes, like his sibling, there were no tears, just a "bye Mom!" and off to play. He did, however, make sure as we were getting out of the car in the parking lot to let me know that he would always be my son and I would always be his mom. Sweet boy.
He is such a handsome little sucker.
These kids have some intense strings attached to my heart. I feel like these moments right now are so precious. I get to pick Jackson up in 25 minutes and can't wait to see his little face light up. As a parent, if you have not seen this ad on parenting, go to www.lds.org and watch the video called PARENTING. It makes me tear up everytime.